Cleaning Up After LSP-Mode
I use lsp-mode quite extensively. I switched from eglot when I started using LSP more. The beautify of lsp-mode is that it will automatically install language servers as you need them. It also integrates excellently with dap-mode to enable debugging sessions. So, I switched to it, turned off all the information overload and I am quite happy.
One thing I do extensively is that I use LaTeX to make my slides for college class slides and class assignments. That means I have hundreds of directories with presentations, assignments and other documents. Each time I enter a directory for a class it will spawn an LSP session for that set of LaTeX files.
Then there are the assignments that are handed in. Mostly Java and JavaScript types of projects that I grade. This is wonderful work and I am glad I can do it within Emacs, instead of having to spawn up some IDE to just browse code structures.
The downside to all this is that my lsp-describe-session
list becomes huge. At one point I had over 100 sessions stored in it, most of them fleeting due to work I graded at the end of a semester. Luckily you can just clean those folders up by calling lsp-workspace-folders-remove
. As an interactive function you can call it, select the folder to remove and be done with it.
Needless to say that I did not feel like doing that manually for 100+ folders. So I created a small snippet of elisp to automate this. It is listed below, feel free to copy it. It will clean out all your LSP folders, so you will need to create the ones you need again after using it, but lsp-mode
will do just that for you.
emacs-lisp code snippet start
(defun aw/cleanup-lsp ()
"Remove all the workspace folders from LSP"
(let ((folders (lsp-session-folders (lsp-session))))
(while folders
(lsp-workspace-folders-remove (car folders))
(setq folders (cdr folders)))))
emacs-lisp code snippet end