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  1. 22 years of Emacs

    Where to begin…

    I just watched David Wilson’s talk called M-x forever - why Emacs will outlast text editor trends. He gave this talk at EmacsConf 2021 which is a conference dedicated to Emacs. The talk made me reflect on my use of Emacs over the last years and then I realized that this year will mark 22 years that Emacs and I have been together. This (probably too long) article reflects on those years and dives into my use of Emacs.

  2. Hack The Box Ambassador

    For the last 18 months I have organized the dutch Hack The Box meetups. Due to COVID-19 they have all been as a digital meetup, but not less entertaining though.

    During my time organizing the meetups the Hack The Box organization supports me in various ways; they give me stuff to hand out such as swag or VIP memberships, they help organize speakers for events when we don’t have one ourselves and they provide me with Hack The Box goodies every once in a while.