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Posts on Clojure

  1. Clojure Projects

    When I tell people that I like to code in Clojure the common response is “wut?”. Clojure is not known as a programming language in which you create big systems. As all Clojure people know, this is not true. There are many systems written in Clojure. Let me show you some that are very actively maintained.

    First there is Lipas, a Finnish platform that shows you information about sports clubs. The structure and techniques used in this code base I use as a reference implementation for my own ClojureScript + Clojure systems. A screenshot of the application is shown here:

  2. Observability in Clojure

    Observability in cloud-native applications is crucial for managing complex systems and ensuring reliability (Chakraborty & Kundan, 2021; Kosińska et al., 2023). It enables continuous generation of actionable insights based on system signals, helping teams deliver excellent customer experiences despite underlying complexities (Hausenblas, 2023; Chakraborty & Kundan, 2021). In essence, adding proper observability to your system allows you to find and diagnose issues without having to dig through tons of unstructured log files.

  3. Build an API with reitit in Clojure

    In my previous post I highlighted that I set myself the goal of creating a self hosted comic book collection tool. Before that, in a post about tooling , I reiterated my ❤️ for Clojure as a language. So, this is the start of a series of articles detailing how the development is going, and also as an introduction to the various parts of the tech stack.

    Clojure is special to me in that there are hardly any big frameworks in the ecosystem. Clojure is more like Lego, there are countless building blocks of various shapes and sizes. It is up to you as the developer to stick the blocks together to get something usefull. You might guess that I also ❤️ Lego.

  4. Choose your tools

    Originally posted on 2024-09-30 (Monday). It was updated in January of 2025.

    I ❤️ to build software. I sadly do not have a lot of time next to my daily work to spend on my side projects, so I have to be disciplined in where I invest time. I wish I could spend endless amounts of time on exploring new technologies, but sadly I simply do not have that time. In writing this is sometimes referred to as “to kill your darlings”.

  5. Enhance testability with selmer

    This is my first article in a series called Rock Solid Software. In it I explore different dimensions of software that does not simply break. You can write good software in any programming language, although some are more suited to a disciplined practice then others, Clojure is definitely in the relaxed space of discipline here.

    Today I am exploring the use of Selmer templates in Clojure. If you have explored Biff at all you will know that all the UI logic works by sending Hiccup through a handler, which will turn into HTML through rum (specifically the wrap-render-rum middleware). If you provide a vector as a result for an endpoint, it will be converted to HTML.