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Posts on Emacs

  1. Choose your tools

    Originally posted on 2024-09-30 (Monday). It was updated in January of 2025.

    I ❤️ to build software. I sadly do not have a lot of time next to my daily work to spend on my side projects, so I have to be disciplined in where I invest time. I wish I could spend endless amounts of time on exploring new technologies, but sadly I simply do not have that time. In writing this is sometimes referred to as “to kill your darlings”.

  2. My computing environment

    This is a longer form article. I is relevant as of February 18th 2023. If the circumstances of my environment changes I will try to update this article to reflect the situation. You can find the full source code of my dotfiles on Github.

    I like consistency and simplicity. I do not like to use many different tools to do different things, I rather spend my time learning to use a few tools very well then to follow the hype on the latest trend of tools for something we have been doing forever.

  3. 22 years of Emacs

    Where to begin…

    I just watched David Wilson’s talk called M-x forever - why Emacs will outlast text editor trends. He gave this talk at EmacsConf 2021 which is a conference dedicated to Emacs. The talk made me reflect on my use of Emacs over the last years and then I realized that this year will mark 22 years that Emacs and I have been together. This (probably too long) article reflects on those years and dives into my use of Emacs.